Live a new cultureEducational experiences in Mexico, Central America & Cuba

Discover a new culture and learn with us exploring language, traditions and local life.

WHAT WE DOIntercultural Experiences

Tsikbal offers the best intercultural experiences by providing access to a wide range of opportunities. Tsikbal taylor-made programs enable participants to gain a deeper understanding of Yucatán as a state and México as a country. We all know that studying abroad is a great thing to experience and we are waiting for you! As soon as we can re-connect, we want you to get out of your confort zone and live new, amazing thing, like Susanna who shares with us her personal and professional story. Enjoy!

Introduction Tsikbal

EXPERIENCEFull culture and language immersion

We offer a comprehensive in-depth vision of Mexico, Cuba and Central America establishing connections with local people and institutions interested in intercultural learning with flexible and diverse formats.


We believe in intercultural learning and understanding, developing programs that contribute to a more human and just world.


Creemos en el aprendizaje y entendimiento intercultural desarrollando programas que contribuyen a un mundo más humano y justo.


We are a team of highly trained professionals of intercultural education with many years of experience in the field.


Somos un equipo de profesionales en educación intercultural experimentados en internacionalización académica.


Discover a new way to learn about other cultures. Explore different ways of life!


Descubre una manera nueva de aprender sobre otras culturas. ¡Explora otras maneras de vivir!


We want to share what is important to us. Here you will find information about our most recent activities, upcoming trips, experiences from former students, workshops and information in general about Mexico, Cuba and Central America. Enjoy!

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Western Illinois University. A month in Mérida

Last Month, WIU students had the opportunity to learn about the wonderful culture and traditions of Yucatán. During their stance they participated in a variety of activities that made them to experience history and learn more about this state. Take a look!

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Students from the Kentucky Institute for International Studies, in Yucatán

Last month, we welcomed a group of students from the Kentucky Institute for International Studies to Mérida, Yucatán. Their stay was an enriching intercultural experience, filled with activities that allowed them to immerse themselves in the region's rich culture and traditions.

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