It is important for Tsikbal that Center College students experience Mexico at its social, symbolic, and, therefore, cultural levels. For this reason, the students traveled to Oaxaca and toured important sites, natural wonders, and connected with people who kindly offered their knowledge.

The Centre students were lead by Coyote Adventures who took them on a tour of the historic Oaxacan capital, the main cathedral and the Temple of Santo Domingo.

The next morning, the students were preparing for an entirely new context for their adventure in Oaxaca. They headed to the archaeological zone of Mitla, where they went hiking for the first time in Oaxaca, then toured the ancient ruins of Mitla, and even got to explore a beautiful cave. Next, the students visited Monte Albán, one of the most important archaeological sites in Mesoamerica. 

For the next excursion, the students visited Hierve el agua, a set of petrified waterfalls where they were able to appreciate the impressive valleys and ravines from the top of the mountain.

Connecting with locals in Oaxaca is very important, because through conversation one can share important stories and broaden their perspective on many topics. After their morning in Hierve el agua, the Centre students visited a friendly family in Palenque de Mezcal where they learned about the arduous process of preparing mezcal.

The next day, the students visited Don Francisco and Dona Areli’s workshop, who are Masters of Ceramics. On Tuesday, the students traveled to Teotitlán where they visited incredible traditional weavers who make use of natural inks. 

Finally, as their last excursion, the students traveled to Tierra del Sol, an agroecological community that promotes food sovereignty, rather focusing on the care and respect for other living creatures that are vital.

Before the students left for Oaxaca, they were notably excited by the experience, which definitely exceeded all expectations.