One of the first activities was a visit to Puerto Progreso, known for its beautiful beaches and relaxed atmosphere. The students enjoyed the sea and sampled local cuisine, which allowed them to better understand coastal life in Yucatán.

Yucatecan cuisine was also a highlight of their stay. The students had the opportunity to participate in a cooking class guided by one of our host moms, where they learned to prepare a dish, taking home not only recipes but also stories and customs passed down through food.

The group visited Chichén Itzá, one of the new seven wonders of the world, and were amazed by its imposing pyramid of Kukulkán. They also explored Uxmal, an archaeological site very important to Mayan culture and Valladolid with tourist areas such as the Zací cenote, San Servacio and many more.                                                                                                          At Habla Centro de Lengua y Cultura, where they attended daily classes, we had fun activities like salsa and jarana yucateca dance classes, wearing traditional costumes of the jarana, a typical dance of the region.

The stay of the KIIS students in Mérida was an invaluable opportunity for cultural exchange and mutual learning. Through each activity, they learned a little more about this state and the wonderful culture that characterizes it.