Doña Marilú, originally from Motul, a small city in Yucatán, is a cheerful, charismatic, and attentive person. She currently lives in the city of Mérida with her mother, Doña Carmen, and Doña Chabe, who helps her with household chores and cooking.

Doña Marilú has four children: María José, Sergio, Roberto, and Marilú, and eleven grandchildren. She works in sales and takes care of her home. For the past 30 years, she has hosted students from numerous schools and different programs, as she loves meeting new people and sharing her culture with others.

She is passionate about crafts, painting, playing bingo with her friends, and visiting the beach. She also greatly enjoys traveling and learning about new people and cultures. A special detail to highlight is that every two weeks, she gathers with her family to spend quality time together.