Doña Angelita is originally from Mérida, Yucatán, and lives with her son Andrés, who is studying Accounting at Universidad Marista. She studied Business Administration and worked for 28 years at the  Secretaria de Educación in the area of human resources but is now retired and is dedicated to receiving foreign students.

She began receiving students thanks to her mother, who started doing so many years ago, and now she is the one who receives and takes care of the new students who arrive in Mérida.

Angelita is very close to her family. She has two sisters, Lorena, who is a teacher and Academic Coordinator at the Teresiano High School, and her other sister is Georgina, who is a professor at Marista. She is a very cheerful, helpful, and talkative person. Without a doubt, a person you will love to meet.